(FROM THE TOP): “RED FRIEZE” 13 ¾” x 61”; oil on unstretched linen “OCHRE FRIEZE” 10 ½” x 67”; oil on unstretched linen “RED STORY” 17” x 26” Oil on unstretched linen “VISITORS” (Diptych). 12” x 30” oil on l’huile paper overall size variable/ approx. 66” x 68”
“RED STORY” oil on unstretched canvas; 17” x 27”
“VISITORS” oil on l’huile papers. 12” x 30”
“SEARCHING FOR JOY – LEMON GLOW” 48” x 48” oil on linen surrounded on 2 sides by smaller works in conversation with the painting. Varied oil on l’huile paper; oil pigment; gouache on Yupo; gouache on paper. All abstract- keyed to color yellow. Overall size variable approx. 62” x 65”
“TANGERINE – A SONG FOR AUNT RIVA’S UNCOMFY COUCH” 48” x 48” oil on linen 6 small interchangeable oils on canvas rest on top of painting
“COMFY CHAIR FLOATS ON THE MAGIC CARPET – ODE to CHILDHOOD AND TO MATISSE” 48” x 48”[to left poem David Skybound Rosenak] [to right 3 gouache framed]: Top- “Conversation: Thoughts of the Orient” 12” x 9” Middle- “Another Red Room” 9” x 12” Bottom- “636 – Pink for My Mother”9” x 12” gouache/ Yupo
(FROM THE TOP) “FOUR” 12” x 9” gouache and gold ink on paper “EIGHT” 17 ½” X 23” Oil pigment stick on Yupo “1-2-3” 8 ½” x 11” and “CHILDS’ BOAT” 8 ½” x 10” gouache on paper “MILES’ BOAT- NOSTALGIA” 14” x 27” (hanging linen threads extend from bottom 9”) oil on unstretched linen.
(FROM THE TOP) PANEL of 7 small works on different papers; mostly gouache “EARTH, WATER, SKY – A PRAYER TO THE GODDESS” 24” X 24” Oil on linen <br />(FROM THE TOP) PANEL of 7 small works on different papers; mostly gouache